Saints and Goddesses Social Club

Saints and Goddesses Social Club
Promoting a healthy pursuit of Money Honey and the Holy

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We Should Relearn to Make Love

We should relearn to make love.

We should relearn to make love. We should relearn that sex is not a vile and filthy act, but a celebration of life. There's no need to hide our lovemaking from the eyes of God, because that's impossible. Sex is cool with the lights off, but there's no reason why we can't make love in the sunlight, out in the open with nature all around us. Our ancient ancestors practiced sex as a ritual (Hieros Gamos) that brought them closer to the Divine. We should make sweet love that leads us closer to God. 
Amor y Paz
The Rev. Saint Ice

Haters in Players' Clothing

My principles have recently been put to the test by a character who has crossed certain lines of respect. 

Let's call him "Little Joe Curly-Q Ho," or "Little Ho" for short.  This Little Ho has had a high degree of financial success in the game.  I would venture to say that all bias aside, he had even changed the game excelling beyond his peers.  No one could deny that Little Ho has been shining.

I first met Little Joe Curl Q Ho at various national get-togethers where the top players go to floss their business, and congratulate one another in accordance with the rules of the Game.  While he behaved standoffish and somewhat arrogant, I was cordial with him and gave him his props.  And when he stood in front of a room full of players and spoke with arrogance and pomp, I disregarded his behavior as typical of a youngster who didn't know any better.

A couple years ago I decided to expand my business operations into new territories, I moved from working under one Big Boss to another and I found myself crossing paths with Little Joe Curly Q Ho. Respecting the game, I assured Little Ho that I would respect his business interests, that I had no interest in stepping on his toes.  I also let him know that if any of my associates compromised his business, to let me know and I would correct any concerns.  We shook hands and went our separate ways.     I would assume that a player who is earning over a million dollars a year would not be interested in what another player earning a couple hundred thousand a year is doing.  A true player perhaps...

A couple months later, when I traveled to handle my business in other territories, Little Joe Curly Q Ho decided he wanted to move in on my operation and peel me for one of the players on my team.     Now, in the Game it is perfectly acceptable for a Boss Player to peel another Boss Player for one of his earners.  The rule is that every player is free to choose who he/she decides to play with.  And when my player came to me and told me the offer that Little Ho had made him, it amused me rather than bothered me.  Little Ho told my player that he could offer him a lot better than I could, he pretended to be his friend who was looking out for him.  I made it clear to my player that in this Game everyone is free to choose, and if this Little Ho could offer my player a better deal, then he should take it.  I told him, he would have my blessing with no hard feelings.  No problem.

Then my player went on to tell me that this Little Ho proceeded to try and discredit me as a Boss, making allegations that we have been running a dishonest operation, and that my player was being exploited, as well as making disparaging remarks about my wife who is also my business partner.  Problem.

Business is business, and I do not begrudge men and women for making business decisions that don't take me into consideration.  After all, the primary purpose of any business person is to increase the profit margin.  But I cannot comprehend how seemingly rational business men make hostile moves towards others just to mess their game up, with no profit motive.  Here is a guy with a big buffet in front of him, but he is worrying about the juicy piece of steak on my plate...

I did my due diligence on this guy and found out that despite Little Joe Curly Q Ho being a top earner in a game of players, he is nothing but a scheming player-hater in player's clothing.  Typical high school geek with no play or a saving grace.  He was a square little kid who found out as an adult that he is good at being a crumby salesman.  He snuck his way into the Player's Ball, and now he thinks that he can buy his way into heaven.  Typical player-hater who thinks that having money is the same as having game...foolish little nerd, how absurd that he hasn't heard that a fool is a fool whether in or out of school, that you can buy a nice car but you can't buy cool...

Certain people never learn the meaning of respect because they have never had the fear of God placed in their hearts.  Most of us Players who have risen out of street culture, at one point or another have had to take a beating for being out of line, and have had to sock somebody up to prove our manhood, but everybody else has to learn the hard way.

And there are times when physical force is necessary to resolve disputes.  But it is important as a true player to recognize the difference between an emotional response and a rational response.  A true Boss Player must never react on emotion, no matter how tempting it may be to slap the taste out of someone's mouth for behaving like a disrespectful cockroach.  This is the folly of lesser men.

As Player Saints our rule is that we only fight in self-defense or in defense of others.  The lines get blurred when you deal with a shit-talker, especially one who does not have the cojones to talk shit to your face.  Especially if they are disrespecting your family...  A Boss Player cannot make moves that can compromise his entire business, or his family.  A Boss Player must calculate every decision, weighing out the loss and benefit of every move he decides to make.  Common thugs can indulge all day long in satisfying their thirst for testosterone, and deal with the legal repercussions that follow.  A player saint is justified in defending his family and friends even to the death, provided there is a clear and present harm.   But a Boss Player must exercise intelligence.  Boss Players don't get into fights, they do however engage in war and they observe the rules of engagement.  

Little Ho, you've made your way into the Book of Game
Too bad you're on the list of The Hall of Shame
I feel so bad for you, I can't even laugh at you
You dodged a beat down, kid, I ain't mad at you.

Amor y Paz,

The Rev. Saint Ice

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Las Reglas del Juego


Ase 9 años, cuando completaba mis estudio en la Universidad de California, hize un escrito entitulado, "El Juego: una Evaluacion de Valores y Etica Urbana>" Eventualmente, empese a escribir una coleccion de de escritos que eventualmente serian la fundacion del Club Social de Santos y Diosas, y Las Reglas del Juego.

No tomo credito de estas reglas como mi propia invenzion. Han existido tal vez por miles de años y la mayoria de gente las tomarian como cosas obvias.

E descubierto que siempre que no sigo estas reglas me a hido muy mal. Igual e sido testigo que a mis seres queridos que existen en un infierno por causa de no seguir estas reglas. La sociaded corta a todo individuo que no sigue estas reglas.
Comprendiendo estas reglas, yo e cortado amistades con ciertos individuos que simplemente no saben jugar.

Por el contrario, siguiendo estas reglas me ha llenado con una vida llena de felizidad y proposito. E cultivado amistades verdaderas y e disfrutado plaseres que muchos solamente fantasean.

En el Club Social de Santos y Diosas, promovemos la busceda del Dinero, el Plaser, y lo Sagrado. Creemos en jugar como buenos niños y niños.

LAS REGLAS DEL JUEGO- escrito por Santos de Los Angeles

Regla 22
Cualquier cosa que hagas bueno o malo, te regresara 3 veses.

Regla 21
Haz lo que quieras con tal de que no dañez a nadie, ni a ti mismo.

Rule No. 20
Como Santos Jugadores y Diosas Jugadoras, nuestro amor es sin condiciones, constante y puto. El negocio y hasta las relaciones intimas pueden tener sus condicione, pero no el amor que compartimos. Nuestro amor no depende en riquesas ni en el sexo, no esta limitado con lugar ni el paso del tiempo. Creemos el dicho que el amor como toda energia no puede ser creado ni destruido, solo cambia.

Rule No. 19
Nuestra palabra es la ley y no rompemos. Por eso no hacemos promesas que no podemos cumplir

Rule No. 18
No las persiguimos, las remplazamos. No compartimos nuestras perlas con los cerdos. No nos aferramos a lo imposible. Sabemos dejar, y caminar de frente.

Rule No. 17
Somos claros desde el principio, antes de empezar el juego. Para que no existan malentendidos, ni falsas ilusiones. Y no le cambiamos el gion. (Flipping the script)...

Rule No. 16
Creemos en el Intercambio Igual. Estamos unidos por los favore el uno al otro. Un favor por un favor. Hoy pa' ti, mañana pa' mi.

Rule No. 15
Primero el dinero, y luego la miel. El negocio antes del placer. Trabajamos duro para jugar mas duro.

Rule No. 14
No somos envidiosos. Hechamos porras no sal. Damos credito al que se lo merese. Les brindamos apoyo al los jugadores jovenes, y respeto a los jugoders ancianos.

Rule No. 13
Creemos en la libertad. Somos libres para vivir como se nos de la gana, libre de las opiniones y criticismos de los demas. No pasamos el tiempo juzgando a los demas.

Rule No. 12
No tomamos las acciones de otros personal ni hacemos suposiciones.

Rule No. 11
No guardamos rencores, pero si tomamos cuentas. Perdonamos pero no olvidamos.

Rule No. 10
Amamos pero no nos enamoramos.
Reconocemos la diferencia entre el amor verdadero y el amor toxico. El amor verdadero produce fruto bueno, nos hace mejor personas, mas saludable, mas felizes. El amor toxico es obsesivo, aferrador, inspira miedo e inseguridad, nos daña emocionalmente, espiritualmente, y economicamente.

Rule No. 9
Compartimos nuestros regalos, especialmente nuestra sabiduria con jugadores y jugadoras jovenes.

Rule No. 8
No creemos en la violencia, al menos que sea en defensa propia o defendiendo a los demas.

Rule No. 7
Resolvemos nuestros diferencias y argumentos con clase, en una forma privada y discreta.

Rule No. 6
No tiramos sal, ni interferimos con los juegos de otros.

Rule No. 5
Controlamos nuestros emociones. No nos gusta el drama.

Rule No. 4
Creemos en la Ley del Silencio. Oiga que ningún mal no hablar ningún mal no vea ningún mal. No andamos con chismes, contando los asuntos de los demas. No hablamos el nombre de otros jugadores en vano.

Rule No. 3
La confianza es sagrada. Ser una persona de confianza vale mas que nada.

Rule No. 2
RESPETO. Existen linias que nunca se deben cruzar La vida personal y privada se mantiene separada a la vida publica. Sin invitacion no entramos a los espacios de otros.

Rule No. 1
Amor es la regla primera en cual el juego esta basado. Nos amamos los unos a los otros. No odiamos.


A mi familia, amigos y paisanos les ruego mil disculpas por mi falta de ortografia. Que aunque e recibido una de las mejores educaciones aca en los Estados Unidos, graduandome de UCLA (Universidad de California en Los Angeles), por mi propia negligencia no le e prestado atencion para aprender el lenguaje Español tal y como se debe...

De todo corazon les escribo en Español con el proposito de comunicar mis ideas filosoficas y mi poesia.

Les ruego disculpa esta ves, pero a la vez les digo con todo respeto que si no les gusta, pues ni modo.

Amor y Paz,

Santos de Los Angeles
Club Social de Diosas y Santos

Adventures in Self-Promoting...

Last week I sent out over 40 emails to different managers and promoters of various "Latino" artists from as high up as Carlos Santana, to Ozomatli, and Panteon Rococo to see if any of them where interested in having Santos de Los Angeles and the Player Saints as an opening act...

I have been doing this thing for over 10 years now, and I have always too shy to try and reach out in this way. I didn't think it worked, and in the end it just seemed so desperate. Plus I read in "Everything You Need to Know About the Music Business," that labels get so much spam and mail from hungry artists from all over the country, that it was a pointless effort. Apparently, no one in the Business listens to "unsolicited material." They only pay attention to songs that are recommended from their friends in the business...

I don't know, at the time it seemed like a moment of inspired genius. I figured that more harm would come from not attempting to contact them than the possibility of annoying them with one more email.

I know I get bothered as all hell when I get spam from bands that I have never heard in the spirit of good Karma, from now on I will make a vow to open every single email that bands send to me and at least hear them out. If I am not interested, oh well...

Amor y Paz,

Santos de Los Angeles
Saints & Goddesses Social Club

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bad Walmart Is Not Playing Fair

As someone who believes in the "Free Market," and not player-hating, I had previously defended Walmart's right to make money through their competitive business practices.

After further information, I am very disillusioned with them.

Aside from their questionable labor practices, it is clear to me now that they do more harm to communities that than good. While Walmart offers consumers lower prices on their everyday products, they kill small business who are unable to compete.

The essence of Capitalism is that the "Free Market" will prevail in providing for consumers the best products and services at the best prices. But this is not the case with Walmart who has leveraged taxpayers dollars through community funding to give them an unfair advantage over smaller existing business. Civic leaders are enticed with the prospect of receiving business tax dollars from Walmart once it is up and running. In some cases, Walmart has relocated to another business district before they are required to pay their full Tax liability.

While, Walmart offers the most competitive prices, this will cease to be the case once they effectively destroy their competition. Once consumers have no one else to turn to for goods and services, Walmart will be able to charge whatever they see fit.

Regarding the issue of unfair labor practices, I had previously believed that every person has a choice in where they choose to work, but in this heavily depressed economy this is not the case. Walmart Superstores encompass every sort of product in the market, and they have begun expanding to include various services as well. While killing their competitors, they are also cutting off other potential employers. They make it impossible for Americans to try and start their own businesses.

After having spent time in many small towns, and even larger towns like San Francisco and New York City, I have come to realize that small business are essential for a community's pride and identity.

I am a firm believer in the profit motive, but I am a far greater believer in good business. Good business means everyone gains out of every transaction.

When any business places their own profit, without regard to the harm that it poses the very consumers it services, this is a bad business.

The Game is no fun at all if we are just playing with ourselves. It is not a real Game if we don't let other people get a chance to play. It is unsportsmanlike.
Also, it is a violation of the Game to take advantage of people who are taking care of you.

Walmart is King, and I am not against kings so longs as they good care of their subjects. America however is the land where the king died.

Amor y Paz,

Santos de Los Angeles

Taxes are Un-American

This great country was founded by rebelling against Taxation.
The British Crown was taxing too much, and the colonies eventually had enough.

Years later, Americans suffer from Historical Amnesia as we allow ourselves to get taxed in every aspect of our life. State and Federal Taxes, sales taxes, car registration fees, parking tickets, etc.

There is nothing more frustrating for me to see than good people struggling to survive, hardworking families losing their homes, and still required to pay their share of taxes. Meanwhile shiesty characters go around spending public money like it's the thing to do.

I can understand taxation for certain public projects, such as roads and bridges, but to have taxes as a permanent way of life is immoral and un-American.

Power to the people,

Santos de Los Angeles

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trust God More Than The Bible

I trust God more than the Bible.

I was taught that "the Bible is the word of God," but after learning how many people have had their greasy palms on the Word over the course of thousands of years, I am left to conclude that I cannot fully trust what is written.

I observe that those who promote the idea of Biblical infallibility are mainly European colonizers and their colonized subjects. Men who have made it their life's work to murder and steal from non-European races have utilized the Bible as their greatest weapon.

The greatest lie they have sold their victims is that they are offering us God's word after they had just raped our women, killed our grandparents, and stolen our lands.

I believe that the Bible does contain the word of God, but we have to trudge through all the politics, and hidden agendas contained therein.

It is written in the last pages of the New Testament that whoever adds anything or takes away anything from the scripture are in for some trouble. I consider it blasphemy to claim God said things that he didn't...

As a Player Saint I believe that God is truth. Whatever cannot stand the test of truth does not come from God.

As a Player Saint, I believe that God is love. Whatever sounds like hate, and results in pain does not come from God.

With these two parameters, Truth & Love, I proceed to read any words written by man and then do I determine if this is the word of God.

Amor y Paz,

Santos de Los Angeles

On Idol-Worshipping

It is said in the "Old Testament" that idol worshiping is a sin. And I have a dear friend of mine who is concerned about my soul because he believes I may be in violation of this particular sin.

I do not agree that I am an idol worshiper, but then again I do not agree that "Idol Worshiping" is a sin...

My take on the whole idol-worshiping issue is that this was made a sin by ancient Player Haters. The object of hating in this case is the artistic accomplishments of other cultures.

As I mentioned to my friend, I cannot condone nor attribute to my G-d any moral code that results in bad fruit. For me a moral code is true if it results in love. If it the code leads to pain, destruction or hate in any form I believe it is a power scheme.

The wars against so-called idol-worshipers have resulted in countless senseless deaths and the loss of some of the worlds most priceless works of art all over the world from India, Ancient Greece and Rome, All over the Americas, and many other corners of the Earth.

My indigenous ancestors were massacred in the name of this "commandment." Our history irreparably eradicated. I would dishonor my ancestors if I were to promote this way of thinking, and I would violate the Game as a player if I were to hate on the way that other cultures want to demonstrate their praises of the divine.

It is written by the Hebrews that G-d does not like any images created in his name. And yet they were allowed to sculpt the Arc of the Covenant and the Holy of Hollies to represent God's presence on earth.

I believe there is no greater praise that an artist can do than to dedicate her/his creative expression to the Most High.

Amor y Paz,

Santos de Los Angeles